(Simple article written for a chiropractor magazine by request. )
Energy Medicine by Dr. Jerry Jacobson How many times have you said, or heard someone you love say, “I can’t sleep, my body is too stiff and the pain is worse, my stomach is upset. I gained 40 pounds because I’m so nervous, I’m exhausted and I can’t stop thinking about it…” Well, whatever “it” is, we live in a culture that has accepted “chronic stress” as a way of life. It can be anything at all nowadays…from waiting to hear about a job, a college, a sick relative, a bill, a mortgage application. We wait for the phone to ring or a letter to arrive…anxious about some piece of news that could affect our lives positively or negatively. Or, “it” could be about a love relationship, a spouse overseas serving in the military, a medical diagnosis, and even a death in the family. We depend upon one another in this world, always, and our relationship (social or business) often regulates our mood, our thinking…and most of all our “fears.” Yet, we all know that chronic stress is disabling, even a killer. We are here to tell you- you don’t need to take it anymore. It is time for you to calm down! Life is beset with ups and downs, and you need to keep your life, your thoughts, and your well-being on an even keel, no matter what happens. Remember, you are a good person, and you deserve some happiness and peace of mind. Regardless of the trials of life- even the death of a loved one-those who love you want you to live and be happy; but most of all, don’t you want to live and be happy? Of course you ask, and have asked again and again, “How can I calm down when…?” No matter what the ending of this sentence might be, there is a way to control chronic stress- by enhancing feelings of relaxation- naturally, safety and effectively, with Magnetic Resonance Therapy, without pills, surgery, and other methods that either invade your body or are even difficult to do. When memories or current events are disturbing, (emotionally or physically) the hypothalamus in our brain sends hormonal messages to the pituitary gland (the master gland of our endocrine system). The pituitary gland will then send a hormonal message to our adrenal glands (little structures located just above the kidneys). The adrenal cortex then sends cortisol (a steroid) to the rest of the body (via the bloodstream) to respond to the insult. This is known as the HPA-axis, and is a natural defense mechanism (for short term defense). Along with release of cortisol, the locus ceruleus in the brainstem and the adrenal glands release a neurotransmitter (for nerve signaling) called norepinephrine. Norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter of the Sympathetic Nervous System aids in the preparation of the body for “fight or flight.” Your heart races, your GI tract and kidneys shut down temporarily, and your mental activity is on alert-in order to deal with the stressful situation for the resolution. But, when the stress becomes chronic, the same system that helps you cope with the emergency has deleterious effects on your whole body. High cortisol levels for too long a time, will diminish the effectiveness of the immune system by impairing cellular messaging systems. This continuation of stress permits opportunistic infections to gain advantages. For example, a cortisol also increases blood sugar levels to provide a source of quick energy for an emergency situation, but when blood sugar level remain too high for too long, it opens the door to diseases like diabetes. Also, prolonged high levels of cortisol inhibit t-lymphocytes (a necessary defender against infections). Now, the other arm of the more or less unconsciously controlled autonomic nervous system is called the parasympathetic nervous system . And, we should point out that our spinal cords connect the brain and the body, sometimes sending opposing messages, because the parasympathetic nervous system’s function is basically the opposite if the sympathetic. That is, the parasympathetic nervous system can reverse the negative effects of long-term chronic stress, and excessive sympathetic stimulation, the parasympathetic nervous system calms the heart (reducing heart rate and the force of contraction), improves digestion and kidney function, and even has regulatory control over pain, metabolism, appetite, energy level and mood. We now know, from rigorous scientific studies done at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, that magnetic resonance energies of specific strengths and frequencies, markedly enhances parasympathetic function. Through various mechanisms, magnetic resonance energies enhance feelings of relaxation, strongly supporting parasympathetic stimulation- to reverse the negative effects of prolonged chronic stress and sympathetic stimulation. Yes, there is an easy, simply way to sleep, de-stress, calm your nerves, improve your sleep, increase your overall energy, improve your digestion, decrease your pain, and enhance your tolerance to the daily situations that drive you crazy. The answer is Magnetic Resonance Therapy. No, nothing touches you, and you don’t need to do anything or even think a certain way. All you need to do is sit down in a chair, and appreciate that special magnetic energies, (that exist naturally in your body) will re-normalize you, to enhance feelings of relaxation. You will enter the environment stressed as usual, and come out relaxed and happier. You won’t feel anything at all, it’s like a miracle. But, it’s a miracle of modern science, based on a new revolutionary technology that restores the energies in your brain and body to a balanced, harmonious state of wellness; with control of parasympathetic function. The explanation is quite simple. We are all made up of trillions of atoms that are tiny magnets. And, these tiny magnets talk to one another as they work together, with certain energies and frequencies. When you are well, the energies are tuned, and when you are stressed, the energies are out of tune, not following the song of life. It’s a totally painless, safe, and effective “Tune-up.” Since the development of new ways to measure the strengths and frequencies of these energy fields, we now know the specific energies necessary to restore the correct energy fields to produce over-all relaxation, wellness, and balanced function called homeostasis. This new revolutionary device is patented, and the science behind it is published in numerous peer-reviewed international science journals. Additionally, numerous scientific studies have been done by world class scientists at major American universities; the data from which is contained in the literature for all to read and appreciate. Based of the discovery of Jacobson Resonance (a new form of resonance).
Hidden variable theory considers the behavior of a system in terms of parameters that have been inaccessible to experiment. Yet, such theories are not without precedent in the history of science. Hidden variables have often later become manifest through applications of new experimental technologies. Einstein was convinced that solutions to the epistemological problems of quantum theory could be found in a grand unified field theory, the search for which he devoted the last 30 years of his life. Jacobson Resonance Theory satisfies Einstein’s conclusory belief that an attempt must be made to find a purely algebraic theory for the description of reality. The hidden variable required to make sense of the disparate elements in both general relativity and quantum theory is the biological model. Only a biological system can amplify the weak triggers of gravitons (gravity waves) by a factor of 1040; to reveal the effect of the single system on a coordinated multifactorial complex array of total systems, through electrophysiological changes. In this vein, string theory may ultimately find a connection to the real world; to reveal a conceptual and mathematical framework for the unification of space and matter, the four fundamental forces of nature; and provide a view of the essential unified conformation of the universe. Excerpt taken from "Jacobson Resonance: Inertial Electromagnetic Induction" Only if space and matter represent one unified conformation (an absolute continuum) can a purely mechanical model explain universal causation, devoid of actions-at-a-distance. And, only therefrom may one eliminate the niggling problems associated with field theories. In our ordinary experience of daily life, we view the causal nexus of natural phenomena as a result of communication of motion through touch, push or pull, combustion by heating…etc. However, atoms are mostly space, and atoms interact across extensions of space.
During the first half of the nineteenth-century, it appeared beyond question that light could be interpreted as a vibratory process in an elastic inert medium filling universal space. It appeared necessarily consequential due to the fact that light is capable of polarization, and this medium (the ether) must possess the nature of a solid body; because transverse waves were not thought to be possible in a fluid. The phenomenon of aberration favored this notion of a quesi-rigid ether. For Maxwell, this ether had properties of a purely mechanical nature, although said properties were complicated. Yet, Maxwell could not yield a satisfactory mechanical interpretation of his laws for electromagnetic field. Physicists became accustomed to admitting electric and magnetic forces as fundamental concepts side by side with mechanics, without requiring a mechanical interpretation. For Hertz, the ether also appeared as bearer of electromagnetic fields. The duality was evident, as physicists thought the ether had a definitely assigned velocity throughout the whole of space, i.e. matter subsisted in space. This was at variance with experiments on the propagation of light in moving fluids. Then, Lorentz took from ether its mechanical properties and took from matter its electromagnetic qualities. Lorentz succeeded in reducing electromagnetic interactions with Maxwell’s equations for free space. Immobility was the only property left to the ether by Lorentz, whereas special relativity left the ether with no mechanical properties. Yet, Einstein admitted that the special theory of relativity did not compel one to deny the existence of ether, but ascribing a state of motion to ether was not possible. Lines of force for electromagnetic field could not be tracked though time. For special relativity, electromagnetic fields appeared as ultimate irreducible realities. Yet, Einstein realized that to deny the existence of ether is to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatsoever, and the facts of mechanics do not harmonize with such a view. Indeed, in order to look upon the rotation of a system in free space as something real, Newton objectivized space, i.e. rotation relative to an absolute space is real. Einstein eventually realized that space-time variability (of the reciprocal relations of standards of space and time) , or, the recognition of the fact that empty space in its physical relation is neither homogeneous nor isotropic compelled description of its states by ten functions (the gravitational potential guv). This perception had finally disposed of the view that space is physically empty. Einstein then believed that condensations of the electromagnetic fields could be termed “matter,” while gravitational field (or ether) could be termed “space.” Still, matter and space were separated conceptually, but connected causally. [1,2] |